Training Schedule
You can register for any of the available courses using the form below.
Note* CPD hours available for all courses
SABS Expedited
Dates: May 5-9, 2025
Audience: Adjusters; Legal Professionals (*CPD hours available for all courses)
Location: Virtual
Cost: $1300 SALE – 15% OFF > $1,105+HST

This 5 day specially designed expedited program provides technical training on the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule, governing legislation, and precedent cases that guide claim procedures. Focus is on developing a technical and practical knowledge-base for AB file handling. The learning will include real-life case studies to promote practical application back at your desk.
Topics include: Definitions, Exceptions to Coverage, MIG, Med/Rehab Benefits, ATC, Procedures for Claiming Benefits and Rules Governing Assessments, Specified Benefits – Entitlement, Calculations and Procedures. Special Award.
Participants receive inHEALTH’s SABS Expedited Guide, Worksheets, MIG and IRB Calculations Toolkit.

Dates: TBA
Audience: Adjusters; Legal Professionals (*CPD hours available for all courses)
Location: Virtual
Cost: $1,985.00 +HST
The 5 day program provides technical training on the Statutory Accident Benefits Schedule, governing legislation, and precedent cases that guide claim procedures. Focus on developing a strong technical knowledge-base for AB file handling. Testing and evaluation performed via real-life case studies to promote practical applications back at your desk.
Topics include: OAP, history of legislative changes, definitions, exceptions to coverage, the MIG, Med/Rehab benefits, ATC, other expenses, collateral benefits, HCAI and clinical billing, and claims processes.
View the Table of Contents to the SABS 1 Manual here.
Dates: TBA
Audience: Adjusters; Legal Professionals (*CPD hours available for all courses)
Location: Virtual
Cost: $1,985.00 +HST

This 5 day program covers specified benefit claims, disability, and rehabilitation management. Focus on the investigation and management of complex claims with illustrations of leading cases that have shaped income replacement, non-earner, caregiver, attendant care, and catastrophic interpretations.
Topics include: specified benefits, death and funeral, optional benefits, IRBs, NEBs, Caregiver, HK, and Catastrophic injury. Also included in the course will be the CAT determination and the definition of Catastrophic Pre and Post June 1, 2016.
View the Table of Contents to the SABS 2 Manual here.

BI Fundamentals
Dates: March 31st – April 4th, 2025
Audience: New & Current BI Adjusters; Legal Professionals
Location: Virtual
Cost: $1,985 SALE – 15% OFF > $1687.25+HST
In this 5 day program, participants are introduced to Bodily Injury claims through relevant section of the OAP, Insurance Act, Ontario Regulations, and leading case law.
The program is run as a series of workshops to maximize retention and ensure on-the-job relevancy. Participants receive inHEALTH’s comprehensive 2024 Bodily Injury Guide, worksheets, and a BI toolkit.
View the Table of Contents to the Bodily Injury Guide here.
Course Registration
Sign up for inHEALTH’s training courses using the form below.
*Note – If you are unable to see the input form please send an email to with your name,
company, phone number, course selection, # of participants & preferred payment method.