

  MIG Update – April 15, 2024

Demands of Child-birth Pre-Existing Condition?

This week, the Tribunal considers whether childbirth two weeks prior to the subject accident in addition to infant care would constitute a pre-existing condition precluding recovery if subject to the MIG.

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Factor: Contemporaneous Childbirth a Pre-Existing Condition?

In Da Silva v. Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company (21-015500), Paula Da Silva was involved in a motor vehicle accident on August 4, 2019 and sought IRB and chiropractic services. She claimed that she was unable to make full recovery within the MIG because she suffered a knee injury in 2017 and that she gave birth approximately two weeks before the accident with the resultant demands of infant care.

Da Silva relied on the CNRs of her family physician, as well as the FAE conducted by IE chiropractor Dr. Liu, who commented on the demanding responsibilities she was shouldering in caring for her newborn while simultaneously recovering from her pregnancy and giving birth.

Da Silva also claimed she was unable to return to her job as a self-employed housekeeper submitting that she only has enough strength to complete housekeeping in her own home and care for her newborn and preschool aged son.

Wawanesa submitted the knee injury from 2017 had resolved long ago and did not aggravate or inhibit Da Silva’s recovery. Further that the demands of motherhood cannot be construed as a pre-existing medical condition. They rely on 3 IE’s which concluded that Da Silva’s accident-related injuries were predominantly minor and that she did not suffer a substantial inability to perform the essential tasks of her pre-employment in housekeeping services.

The Tribunal held:

      • Although the treating chiropractor did make reference in relation to the 2017 knee injury in his treatment plan that Da Silva was under direct supervision of her family physician and taking medication, there was no doctor’s notes to support the requirement that the knee injury from 2017 would prevent recovery if held to within the MIG.
      • The three IE assessors did not view the knee as a barrier to recovery.
      • “I accept the applicant’s submissions that caring for a newborn while simultaneously recovering from the effects of pregnancy and childbirth has impacted her physically and emotionally. However, beyond a brief mention in the disputed OCF-18 that childcare demands, among other factors, represent a barrier to recovery, the applicant has not directed me to evidence that supports her submission that recovery from childbirth is preventing her from achieving maximal recovery within the MIG. I find the applicant has not met her onus to demonstrate removal from the MIG is warranted on the basis of recovering from childbirth and pregnancy.”
      • The medical evidence demonstrates her injuries are resolving. Other than the note made by Dr. Lui, chiropractor in the FAE report, the only reference is that Da Silva’s recovery has been muted by her recent pregnancy and raising a new baby but that her injuries are resolving normally.
      • “Neither of the other two IE assessments, by orthopaedic surgeon Dr. Fathi Abuzgaya, or psychologist, Dr. David Direnfeld, identified the demands of recovery from childbirth or caring for a newborn as a barrier to recovery from the applicant’s injuries. Dr. Abuzgaya concluded there was no residual musculoskeletal impairment attributable to her accident injuries, and Dr. Direnfeld identified no psychological injury, impairment or condition that would prevent the applicant from returning to work.”

      If you Have Read This Far…

      Our MIG Monday series discusses the multitude of factors to consider when evaluating a risk position on MIG cases. The Tribunal has ruled on the MIG in 24% of the decisions so far. Each case is nuanced, but with similar factors.

      Inform your position & present persuasive arguments. Include an Outcome Analysis Report (OAR) in your case evaluation complete with For/Against cases. Need an OAR?


Archive of LAT Updates

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March 3, 2025: Cause of Shoulder Tear Degenerative or MVA Related?


February 26, 2025: NEB Payable to 104 Week Mark Due to Technical Breaches


February 24, 2025: Doctor Not Required to Provide Diagnosis


February 19, 2025: Court Sets Aside Tribunal S.32 Notice Decision

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February 12, 2025: Post 104 IRB Despite Employment & No CAT As Only Two Marked Impairments


February 10, 2025: GP Evidence Preferred over IE Regarding Concussion


February 5, 2025: No Election Required Despite Endorsement of IRB & NEB

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January 27, 2025: CNR’s + Imaging Determinative of Complete Shoulder Tear


January 22, 2025: Court of Appeal Upholds Divisional Court Decision

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January 20, 2025: GP’s Diagnosis of “Head Injury” Prevails


January 15, 2025: Tribunal Accepts Neither Expert in Awarding Pre But Not Post 104 IRB


January 13, 2025: A Brain Contusion is Not Enough for a Concussion Diagnosis


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January 6, 2025: Corroborative Evidence Not Necessarily Required in Psych Diagnoses


December 18, 2024: Applicant Successful in CAT Case Where Respondent’s Expert Unavailable


December 16, 2024: Applicants Lose on Flawed Interpretation of the Schedule


December 11, 2024: Court Sends Paraplegic Matter Back to Tribunal re “Accident”

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November 13, 2024: Applicant’s Explanation for Delayed Application Found Reasonable


November 11, 2024: GP Concussion Diagnosis Accepted as Legitimate


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October 30, 2024: Court Remits “Unsafe” Decision Back for Rehearing

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October 7, 2024: Continuity of Complaints Confirm Chronic Pain


October 2, 2024: All Items in Dispute Deemed Incurred

Treatment Plans

September 30, 2024: Ignoring Medical Evidence Proves Award Worthy


September 25, 2024: Credibility Issues Abound with IE Assessor


September 23, 2024: Reliance on Symptom Magnification Test Proves Fatal


September 16, 2024: Self Reporting Accepted for Psych MIG Escape


September 9, 2024: Diagnosis Alone Falls Short in Chronic Pain Case


September 4, 2024: CAT Finding Upheld on Reconsideration

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August 28, 2024: Staged MVA Results in $93K Repayment Order

Definition Accident, Evidence

August 26, 2024: What Exactly Constitutes “Compelling” Evidence?


August 21, 2024: Extreme Impairment Confirmed in CAT Decision


August 19, 2024: Post Concussive Syndrome Diagnosed in Telephone Interview


August 14, 2024: Reconsideration Varies Decision Regarding “Accident”

Definition Accident, Divisional Court

August 12, 2024: Adverse Inference Considered in MIG Determination


August 7, 2024: Re-Training Not A Viable Option - Post 104 IRB Confirmed


July 31, 2024: Applicants Allowed to Proceed to Hearing Despite Alleged Non – Compliance

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July 29, 2024: No Specific Reference to Evidence Precludes MIG Escape


July 24, 2024: When is a Spouse Not a “Spouse”?

Death Benefit

July 22, 2024: No Evidence Tendered to Rebut Concussion Diagnosis


July 17, 2024: 196K Grievance Award Factored into IRB Calculation


July 15, 2024: Chronic Pain Diagnosis Does Not Warrant MIG Escape


July 10, 2024: Court Allows Applicant to Submit Judicial Review After the Fact

Divisional Court

July 8, 2024: MIG Escape Despite Unrelated Psych Issues


July 3, 2024:Application Premature On Benefits Claimed in Excess of Limits

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June 26, 2024: Multiple Wilful Misrepresentations Claimed but Only One Established


June 24, 2024: Chronic Pain Diagnosis 4 Years Later Uncontroverted


June 19, 2024: Court Sets Aside Tribunal Decision and Makes Decision that Ought to Have Been Made

Definition Accident, Divisional Court

June 17, 2024: Cause of ‘Remote’ Finger Fracture Questioned


June 10, 2024: Reliability on IE Opinions Challenged


June 5, 2024: IE 'Highly Intrusive' - Not Acceptable Reason For Failure To Attend

Insurer's Examinations

June 3, 2024: MVA Necessary Cause of Subluxation of Shoulder Joint