Justice Denied
At the halfway mark of year 6 of the LAT the case disposition rates reflected a trend of concern for all stakeholders. This trend is largely driven by significant productivity decreases in the second quarter of 2021. A dramatic reduction in case conferences held by...
Best seats in the house – Unique LATitudes
When I settled into my new role at inHEALTH as Manager of LAT Compendium Services in May, there were a total of 106 decisions published by the LAT. I figured, how bad could it be? Within two months, the number of published decisions had nearly doubled to 192 – my...
The LAT: One Year Older, Any The Wiser?
"The Licence Appeal Tribunal has been hearing disputed Ontario accident benefits claims for more than a year. Although disputes seem to be resolved more quickly than they were by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario, it remains to be seen whether or not...
Orchestrating A Path To Change
The urgent need to reform an unsustainable tort system in the late 1980s led to a succession of no-fault legislation and regulatory reforms that introduced a tort threshold and deductibles. Almost 30 years later, we once again face an unsustainable tort system—and...
Fundamentals of AB/BI Training a Good Investment
Learning and development for jobs that require experienced-based specialization can be tricky to navigate. This is especially a priority for the Property and Casualty (P & C) industry.
The Drumbeat of Procedural Litigation Cycle
The Litigation landscape for Bodily Injury claims is ever evolving and presenting challenges today like never before. In 2014, the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO) conducted a closed claim study for Bodily Injury claims that occurred in 2005 (Automobile...
Resort to the LAT, or Last Resort? Panel Discussion November 2, 2016
Now that Ontario has transitioned into a tribunal system to adjudicate SABS disputes, our Panel Discussion explored the impact on the claims department in terms of culture, costs, operational changes and their relationship with their customer. We were thrilled with...