Inaugural AB World LAT-Free Day October 9th!
Celebrate with Ben and Liv as they raise awareness on how access to high quality information helps you make inFORMED dispute resolution decisions.
Participate by letting us know when you have achieved any of the 3 results below:
- Resolve a case without filing a LAT application
- Resolve a case before case conference
- Contact the other side before you deny
Get your cake! Continue to submit your results over the next week and we will send you your cake! Message us on live chat or submit your results here.
Meet Our Brand Ambassadors Ben and Liv…
Congratulations to our subscribers who have reached a milestone with inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium Service! Since the launch of v2.0 in March of this year, you have engaged in:
- 20,000+ searches and case summaries
- 24,000+ notifications
- 800+ average weekly visits
We wanted to take this moment to celebrate your impressive achievement. Your commitment shows that access to high quality information is important to you.
inHEALTH’s brand ambassadors Ben and Liv have been sharing game changing user feedback through the 5 main themes – Learn, Awareness, Precision, Collaboration, Empowerment.