LAT Statistics (Sep to Dec 2019)
The LAT released Year 4 Q3 stats September to December 2019. Here’s the roundup…
Caseload Continues to Deteriorate
- Increase of 37.3% over prior year
- Caseload as of December 2019 – 9,446
- Doesn’t appear to include Reconsiderations
Impact of Q3 Results
- 2,655 Files Closed by Early Resolution; a decrease of 13.5%
- 73 Decisions Released; a decrease of 36%
- In sum, files closure activity was down by 14.3%
Hearing Date To Decision Release
- 156 days in 2019 up from 119 days in 2018 as confirmed by inHEALTH
What’s impeding efficiency at the LAT?
21% of decisions, or about 350 to-date involve ‘transactional activity’, specifically, where the LAT has dealt with procedural matters that may involve the parties having to go through the process more than once. Unique transactional items have been isolated by inHEALTH as follows:
- Non-compliance
- Reconsideration
- Notice Sufficiency
- Limitation Period
- LAT Act
The transaction cost activity considered are creatures of the process that have evolved, a slow creep if you will, that would not have been anticipated to the degree they have escalated. This does not include the more traditional procedural transactions, for example, motions.
Stay tuned for our upcoming Blog for a more in depth analysis and considerations for data-driven solutions.
inHEALTH is a boutique injury claim adjusting firm specializing in accident benefits and bodily injury claims. Subscribe to inHEALTH’s LAT Compendium Service – an interactive proprietary online research database tailored to decisions released by the Licence Appeal Tribunal (LAT) & Divisional Court.
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