

 Volume. 8 Issue. 20 – May 29, 2024

This week the Tribunal considers whether a practicing lawyer, whose career path was significantly compromised following the accident, would satisfy the requirements for a CAT determination under Criterion 8. The Tribunal noted that it had been “devastating for the applicant not to be able to work to his pre-accident potential”.

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Practicing Lawyer Seeks CAT Determination

Practicing Lawyer as CAT? – Injured in a June 2018 accident, the applicant (M.Z.) despite embarking upon a career as a practicing lawyer, sought a CAT determination, in 22-005726 v Security National, Of note, during the course of the hearing, the applicant sought an emergency summons, in order to call a witness that Security National had ultimately decided to no longer call. The applicant contended that they were anticipating the opportunity to cross examine the witness. The Tribunal, however, declined to approve the summons, noting in part that “if it is essential for a party to question a witness, the onus is on that party to summons the witness in a timely manner, even if that witness is on the other party’s witness list. I found that the circumstances did not justify an emergency summons”.

Post MVA Education and Career Path

The Applicant was a thirty year old law student on the date of loss, when he was struck while riding a bicycle. Prior to the MVA, he was described as a high achiever with multiple university scholarships, distinctions and awards, and two Master of Laws degrees. After some time off, the applicant, with accommodations, completed his third year of law school in 2019 and also passed the bar admissions examinations, and was licensed as a lawyer in June 2020. With few interruptions, the applicant was able to secure numerous positions within his field through to the date of the hearing.

The Tribunal did note that the “applicant’s life has changed significantly as a result of the accident. In addition to other changes, he has been unable to carry out his pre-accident career plans as a result of accident-related impairments.” However, it was “beyond the scope of a catastrophic impairment designation to provide general redress for harm suffered; rather, the purpose of such a designation is to enable access to increased levels of medical and rehabilitation benefits for accident-related needs.”

Applicant’s Experts Lacking

Addressing the requirements for satisfying Criterion 8, the Tribunal found the applicant’s expert report to be of limited assistance, as the assessor failed to describe in detail the severity of the limitations in relation to the four functional domains. The assessor “failed to show how she assessed the severity of the applicant’s limitations in relation to each of the four functional domains.” In addition, it was determined that the assessor had no notes relative to her 2021 report. The Tribunal further took issue with the applicant’s OT report, finding that the “one-time” assessment, performed wholly by way of videoconferencing did not provides a reliable foundation for determining ongoing impairment. The report also failed to reliably depict the applicant’s longer-term circumstances.


Noting that neither expert found a marked level of impairment under ADL, the Tribunal indicated that the “applicant has not directed me to evidence which warrants overriding the conclusions of the assessors with respect to this domain.”


The Tribunal took note of the fact that “With accommodations approved by the Law Society, the applicant had sufficient strengths and functionality to demonstrate that he met the examination standards to be licensed as a lawyer.” In addition, “There has been no evidence of restrictions or conditions on his license to practice law.” There was as well, “no evidence of workplace accommodations being instituted for the applicant since he became licenced as a lawyer.” While noting that it had been “devastating for the applicant not to be able to work to his pre-accident potential in his chosen career… the applicant has retained sufficient function in the domain of concentration, persistence and pace, as well as in the domain of adaptation, to be employed in some work engaging his legal background and experience.” The Tribunal confirmed that the applicant’s impairment under CPP was his most severe “despite the serious post-accident challenges the applicant has faced, his overall qualities and strengths have enabled functioning in this domain, including the ability to carry out some work in professional settings.”


The Tribunal was “not persuaded that the overall evidence amounts to a marked impairment in the domain of adaptation. There is substantial evidence of the applicant’s ability to interact reasonably with others, continue in difficult situations, and be able to present without overt signs of stress and anxiety. I find on balance that the overall evidence of the applicant’s functioning shows that he has maintained ability to persist through stressful circumstances.”

Social Functioning

The Tribunal referenced the evidence confirming that “the applicant’s social functioning skills are at a level where colleagues have provided references and facilitated employment in environments requiring the ability to interact well with others. He has successfully interviewed for work positions and maintained such positions.


The Tribunal confirmed having “considered the high levels of the applicant’s pre-accident achievements and abilities.” However, even were CPP to be adjudged to be marked, “the applicant has no more than a moderate level of impairment in the domains of activities of daily living, adaptation and social functioning.”

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Archive of LAT Updates

September 9, 2024: Diagnosis Alone Falls Short in Chronic Pain Case


September 4, 2024: CAT Finding Upheld on Reconsideration

CAT, Reconsiderations

August 28, 2024: Staged MVA Results in $93K Repayment Order

Definition Accident, Evidence

August 26, 2024: What Exactly Constitutes “Compelling” Evidence?


August 21, 2024: Extreme Impairment Confirmed in CAT Decision


August 19, 2024: Post Concussive Syndrome Diagnosed in Telephone Interview


August 14, 2024: Reconsideration Varies Decision Regarding “Accident”

Definition Accident, Divisional Court

August 12, 2024: Adverse Inference Considered in MIG Determination


August 7, 2024: Re-Training Not A Viable Option - Post 104 IRB Confirmed


July 31, 2024: Applicants Allowed to Proceed to Hearing Despite Alleged Non – Compliance

Insurer’s Examinations, Procedure

July 29, 2024: No Specific Reference to Evidence Precludes MIG Escape


July 24, 2024: When is a Spouse Not a “Spouse”?

Death Benefit

July 22, 2024: No Evidence Tendered to Rebut Concussion Diagnosis


July 17, 2024: 196K Grievance Award Factored into IRB Calculation


July 15, 2024: Chronic Pain Diagnosis Does Not Warrant MIG Escape


July 10, 2024: Court Allows Applicant to Submit Judicial Review After the Fact

Divisional Court

July 8, 2024: MIG Escape Despite Unrelated Psych Issues


July 3, 2024:Application Premature On Benefits Claimed in Excess of Limits

Award, CAT, Jurisdiction

June 26, 2024: Multiple Wilful Misrepresentations Claimed but Only One Established


June 24, 2024: Chronic Pain Diagnosis 4 Years Later Uncontroverted


June 19, 2024: Court Sets Aside Tribunal Decision and Makes Decision that Ought to Have Been Made

Definition Accident, Divisional Court

June 17, 2024: Cause of ‘Remote’ Finger Fracture Questioned


June 10, 2024: Reliability on IE Opinions Challenged


June 5, 2024: IE 'Highly Intrusive' - Not Acceptable Reason For Failure To Attend

Insurer's Examinations

June 3, 2024: MVA Necessary Cause of Subluxation of Shoulder Joint


May 29, 2024: Practicing Lawyer Seeks CAT Determination


May 27, 2024: Differing Opinions on Right Knee Injury Causation


May 22, 2024: Four Marked Impairments CAT and Post 104 IRB Confirmed


May 15, 2024: Court Confirms Three Breaches of Procedural Fairness by Tribunal

Div Court

May 13, 2024: Little Weight Given to Illegible Doctor's Notes


May 8, 2024: Reasonable Perception of Bias Involving Former Adjudicator Requires Rehearing


May 6, 2024: Potential Causation Does Not Support MIG Escape


May 1, 2024: Tribunal Varies Three Decisions on Reconsideration

Reconsideration, Treatment Plans

April 29, 2024: Credibility of Assessment Favored Over Psych Validity Testing


April 24, 2024: Wilful Misrepresentation Abounds on IRB Repayments


April 22, 2024: Records Alone Do Not Warrant MIG Removal on Pre-Existing


April 15, 2024: Demands of Child-birth Pre-Existing Condition?


April 10, 2024: Court Upholds Tribunal Decision That a MIG Removal is a Complete MIG Removal

Divisional Court, MIG

April 8, 2024: Psychiatric Diagnosis Prevails over Psychological Opinion


April 3, 2024: Court Sends Matter Back to Tribunal Concerning “Accident”

Definition Accident, Divisional Court

April 1, 2024: Ortho Opinion Prevails on Origins of a Fracture


March 27, 2024: Supreme Court Takes Issue with Tribunal, Divisional Court & Court of Appeal

Limitation Period, Reconsideration, Supreme Court

March 25, 2024: Expert’s Conclusory Statement Insufficient on Pre-existing Condition


March 20, 2024: Non-Compliance by Both Parties Impacts IRB and Medical Claims


March 18, 2024: No Weight Afforded to Handwritten Illegible CNR’s


March 13, 2024: Denials Deficient and Pain Relief Validates Treatment Plans

Treatment Plans

March 11, 2024: “Radicular Irritation” & MRI Findings Not MVA Related


March 6, 2024: Tribunal Upholds Decision Excluding Improperly Secured IEs From the Evidence

Evidence, IE, Reconsideration

March 4, 2024: Concussion and Chronic Pain Diagnoses Require Expertise


February 28, 2024: Prior Health Concerns Complicate Claim for CAT


February 26, 2024: Unchallenged Virtual Chronic Pain Assessment Accepted


February 21, 2024: Consent by Parties for Adjournment Not Determinative

Adjournment, Procedure

February 14, 2024: Tribunal Does Not Accept the CAT Findings of Either Party


February 12, 2024: MIG Escape on Concussion Diagnosis Despite Resolution of Symptoms


February 7, 2024: Financial Hardship Not A Defense for Repayment Responsibility


February 5, 2024: CT Scan of Wrist Fracture Contradicts Medical Opinion


January 29, 2024: Concussion Despite No Head Injury?


January 24, 2024: One Assessment Process Produces Two Discrete Reports

CAT, Productions

January 22, 2024: Defective Notices Do Not Trigger Limitation


January 17, 2024: Election Not Required, LAT Act Invoked & Limits Exhausted?

Award, Limitation Period

January 15, 2024: Chronic Pain Diagnosis Contradicted by Self-Reports


January 10, 2024: NEB Reinstated After Six Years Generates Award

Award, NEB

January 8, 2024: Undisputed Psychological Diagnosis Prevails